学校 & 大学
Each of our schools 和 colleges provides a focused approach to education that allows you to pursue your interests in an environment fully dedicated to your success. 大学是思想交流的地方, 和 professors across our schools 和 colleges work across disciplines in their research in order to address today's most daunting challenges.
From our new engineering 和 computer science facilities to our renowned 项目 in international studies, 我们有一条路可以给你启发. 了解更多MG线上电子游戏学校和学院的信息.
工程 & 计算机科学
专注于专注,以学生为中心的教学,丹尼尔·菲利克斯·里奇 ...
专注于专注,以学生为中心的教学,丹尼尔·菲利克斯·里奇 School of 工程 & 计算机科学 seeks to fulfill its mission of advancing technical 和 scientific knowledge 和 capabilities to improve quality of life for our global society while striving to achieve two global goals: Develop 和 Inspire 健康y Global Citizens 和 Create a Smart, 可持续的世界. Students looking to start or advance careers or conduct research in engineering or computer science will find the Ritchie School offers a pathway to that future. 学校以我们的新$62为基础.500万STEM设施, 那里有最先进的实验室和一系列创新项目, such as the National Academy of 工程 Gr和 Challenges Scholars Program 和 项目 in cybersecurity 和 game design. The Ritchie School will give you the chance to explore 和 develop solutions to the world’s most daunting technological challenges, 同时为你在工程和计算机科学领域的热门职业做好准备.
严格. 相关性. 结果.
丹尼尔斯商学院成立于1908年,是美国第八古老的商学院 in the country 和 the most recognized business college in the Rocky Mountain West. Our wide variety of 项目 is designed to provide experience across such fields as marketing, 会计, 管理和更多. Whether you're pursuing a bachelor's degree 和 a solid foundation for your career or you're an entrepreneur looking to launch a business, 我们有课程来满足你的教育需求. 我们的使命是通过有影响力的奖学金培养商业先驱, 体验驱动型教育和终身学习.
自然科学 & 数学
这里是我们数学、生物、化学、物理和天文学课程的所在地, 还有地理和环境科学, 自然科学学院 & 数学为学生提供了广泛的课程. 我们的学位课程包括分子生命科学和生物物理学等多种学科, 地理信息科学, 环境化学, 金融数学等等. Both undergraduate 和 graduate students have ample opportunities to work with faculty scholars on h和s-on research projects that change lives 和 challenge long-held ideas.
艺术、人文学科 & 社会科学
如果你对人类体验充满热情,想要探索人类的表达方式, 社会或思维活动, 我们的艺术学院, 人文学科 & 社会科学提供的课程可以帮助你深入挖掘令人兴奋的新概念. 与专业艺术家一起提升你的表演技能, 在学者之间提出问题,解决问题, 并在创新研究上与教师合作. Stimulate your curiosity 和 cultivate your creativity as you journey across the globe through study abroad. Go beyond the classroom, engage with your community 和 make a difference in the lives of others.
约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院一直被评为世界上最好的学院之一 top 项目 in its field, 有成就的校友在公共政策领域工作, 全球领导力和奖学金. We foster a rigorous 和 creative approach to examining global issues 和 developing innovative solutions both in the classroom 和 in the field, 强调具有实际意义的研究. 每年, 科贝尔学院接待来自世界各地的外交官和官员, providing our students with the broad context necessary to contribute to the improvement of international relations.
莫里奇教育学院是一所研究生院,致力于推进教学和教育 learning through a variety of distinct yet collaborative 项目. 我们提供高等教育硕士和博士学位, 政策, 咨询, 研究方法, 图书馆和信息科学, 除了更传统的课程,包括学校心理学, 教育领导, 幼儿和教师准备. Whether you want to pursue a career in child 和 family psychology or a life as an educator of youth 和 adults, our 项目 provide you with an edge through field 和 clinical experiences that will enhance your foundation of knowledge 和 prepare you to launch a meaningful career.
自1976年以来,专业心理学研究生院(GSPP)已经整合了课程, 实践, service 和 政策 work to train a workforce capable of using psychology to improve the human condition. 重点在地方一级审查国家精神和行为健康问题, 我们在课堂上提供一般和专业经验, clinic 和 community so students are prepared to meet the needs of clients in a variety of contexts 和 settings. 除了我们的临床心理学博士课程, 我们通过创新的法医硕士课程与独特的人群合作, 国际灾难, 以及运动和表演心理学, 还有体育教练. 我们的学生提供200多个,每年为丹佛地区的客户提供5000小时的门诊和咨询时间.
连接. 动员. 变换. 股本.
植根于社会正义,在所有社会工作中排名前10% schools in the U.S., the 研究生院 社会工作 (GSSW) offers the specialized training you’ll need to launch a career creating positive change for individuals, 家庭和社区. 通过将社区实习与课堂课程相结合, you’ll maximize your education 和 finish with the tools to advocate for populations impacted by oppression 和 to provide tactical treatments for those experiencing some of society’s most harrowing challenges. The doctoral program at GSSW trains master's-level human service professionals from across the country 和 around the world to become social work researchers, 教育工作者和政策专家.
斯特姆学院(Sturm College)一直名列全美百强法学院之列...
法学院一直名列全国前100名, 斯特姆法学院将传统的课堂学习与动态学习相结合, 法律实践经验. Both JD 和 master’s students learn from an innovative 和 comprehensive curriculum in a variety of concentrations, 包括环境和自然资源法的全国排名课程, 法律写作, 临床培训和税法. 敬业的教职员工, substantive courses 和 myriad experience-based learning opportunities give students the expertise 和 confidence they need to pass the bar exam 和 start practicing law immediately following graduation.
专注于职业教育. 网上和晚上.
Hone your talent 和 advance your career with online 和 evening courses through University...
Hone your talent 和 advance your career with online 和 evening courses through 大学学院, 提供为忙碌的成年人设计和交付的节目. 是否想完成你的学士学位, 增加一项技能,获得证书或攻读硕士学位, you'll find that career-focused education provides an opportunity to advance your career without putting it on hold.